NOW ON SALE! CLICK HERE! "Welcome To My Home" is a delicious candy mix of the late 80's, where glamour was at the height of fashion. Brenda Dickson invites you into her home, where she spends the day with her fans. The film opens, she is wearing a glamorous gold lame gown, she calls this the finished product. Brenda is ahead of her time in this film. Without a doubt, this was one of the first reality shows on the forefront of a new frontier. While 3 million people have viewed second rate edits, and bad copies of second generations on the internet, this is the clear cut master of "Welcome To My Home" with added out-takes, never seen before edits of the film. With Brenda narrating all the way up to 2009, with current fashions. New York Magazine has talked about it as being a cult classic, must-see video. "Welcome To My Home" is a part of Pop Culture. The New York Times has also paid tribute to Brenda and "Welcome To My Home." Hair, make-up, and, glamour are back, so is this video with vintage styles. Brenda's ideas about health and exercise are also far ahead of the times. They hold true today. Brenda ends this fabulous rendition of fun with a fashion show where she wears the glitziest of gowns available in the late 80's. She takes you into her closet, teaches her fans how to apply make-up, you will meet her cat, her dog and she brings you into her kitchen to talk about diet. She exercises with you. It has a lot of good basic beauty tips. Fast forward to 2009, Brenda narrates about her 2009 version of "Welcome To My Home" and talks about her new book. The new updated edited "Welcome To My Home" is fabulous. You don't want to miss this video since fashion has gone back to glamour. It's a must in your wardrobe. | |
How much is this going to cost?
Hi Brenda! I just got the June 22, 2009 issue of CBS Soaps in Depth, was looking through it, and came to page 50. Those were the days, Y and R was so much better then, and it was thanks to you. Jeanne Cooper probably wishes that you were still playing Jill, and so do 99% of the people from my generation. We will not give up hope, wake up and smell the coffee CBS!!!
I can't wait to see how you update an already perfect, timeless video and take on current (boring) fashion.
I just don't understand how everything got so boring all of a sudden. Nor do I neither get how you've been off the air for 20 years - it sheems like yesterday I was watching you as Jill on Y & R.
Anyhow, I can't wait till the 14th - you go girl!!!
Good Lord!!! This program is sooooooo boring without Brenda.
Brenda: Please make this available in BOTH VHS and Betamax!
Thank you.
Seriously, is there any way to get this on laserdisc? I've still got my trusty RCA player, and, like todays fashhion, the new video equipment just doesn't measure up.
You suck JuneGordon, are you jealous because people still want to see Brenda back in the role she created 22 years after she was fired? How many other soap actresses or any actress in general still has the fan base Brenda does after not being in soaps for 22 years? She is fab...
Maybe you just don't remember how good Y and R used to be and how campy and fun Brenda's Jill was.
Or maybe you are one of those pathetic Devon Greene fans who think you are so funny and cute by mocking Brenda.
Before they took down " welcome to my home" on you tube I remember it had something like over a million hits. Just to laugh at her? Really? Most of the old school Y and R fans I know watched that video because they loved Brenda as Jill... yeah it was campy but that was what we remembered.
And I'm sure your fashion sense is all that.. since you are bothering to crash Brenda's site and rag on her I picture you in sweatpants sitting on your fat ass all day. No one who has a life would bother to rag on an actress on her own website. Why don't you go to the Y and R website and talk about the latest episode or that has been show. The rest of us will be BD fans for life wondering what happened to such a great show.
I'm sorry I meant " talk about the latest episode OF that has been show"
BTW Brenda I hope you come back to Y and R or play another role like Jill again someday. Your fans really miss you. Hope you are well.
I can't wait for your updated video to come out.
- a longtime fan in L.A.
hummm, well...
1) I can guarantee I am not old. Not at all. In fact I am only 40. Still looking great, no wrinkles or anything. Still get hit on my men every time I walk out the door. I watched Brenda on daytime when I was 5, still a fan. Good Memories.
2) Why are you on here then if " Only losers watch daytime" and care about some " washed up actress"... do you have nothing better to do then leave nasty comments? Have you ever even see an episode of Brenda on Y and R? Then STFU if you haven't because then you know nothing about why we like her so much.
Are you telling her what you think because you think she will care? Just to be mean? Seriously? This site is run by her and even if you don't like her or respect her or think she is a big joke then why post a nasty comment about her on
Just to be nasty? Then no matter what you think of Brenda then you are worse then she is. Take what you think about her and times that by a million because only a truly nasty person with no life would do that.
3) what are " snake cakes"... care to tell me because that does sound kind of yummy.
4) most of Brenda's hardcore longtime fans ( not me, but the majority I would say) are gay men who have watched her in the 70's and 80's on Y and R. Being the fag hag that I am I know that good gay icons never die. Those gay men are faithful to their gay icons. I think they make up most of Madonna and Cher's fan base as well.
5) Unlike you they have taste
and 6) talent is subjective.
If you still think I am some " old queen" I will send you a picture.
Brenda has fans of all ages and sexes. Perhaps she chose not to go back to soaps. I can't speak for her personally since i have never met the woman, but acting wise she was a gem on Y and R and soaps are a valid form of entertainment. Y and R has been on the air for years and years... there are fans of it everywhere... why I am explaining this to you?
7) Also Brenda was a runner up Miss California beauty pageant winner. Where is your crown JuneGordon? Classic TV is classic TV.
Will you be re-releasing "Welcome To My Home" on DVD? Or just on VHS?
I really like to think that all of this is leading up to that glorious day when JW will finally leave the role of Jill and TPTB will finally ask Brenda back to the show. Really enjoyed the picture with Kate Linder (Esther), and yes, I can picture you playing Jill again, long beautiful red hair and all.
I ordered this dvd on Aug 19, 2011 and it is now Oct 15 and it has yet to arrive, nor I have received any response to my emails! I am really disappointed being a huge Brenda Dickson fan. I didnt think she would be treating the fans this way. I will be contacting my credit card company on Monday. So disappointed!!
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