I'll start by saying thank you for all your support. Your comments mean so much to me. I will respond to you after I thank Mandy Kimper for all the support and wonderful insight to put "Welcome to My Home" on the web. It is much appreciated. The Welcome to My Home tape, originally put on the air about a year ago has been seen by millions now on all stations. Many of you have asked me when to purchase the hard copy. It is not on the market yet, but I'm working on it. The book comes first. That is thanks to my dear fan Mary Kimper. I also want to thank Steven for the beautiful poem. You are definitely my Romeo to Juliete. Beautiful! You can write on my blog any time. Please do.
One of my fans has written a suicidal help note!!! That's an urgent matter. I do happen to have some good advice (this advice can be used by all my fans). It will work if you do it, and, you must promise to try. Ready? First stop by your nearest GNC Store, buy a box of vitamins, the kind they sell in packets. So, it is many in a cellophane wrap. Also get the right one for your age and gender. Pick up capsules of calcium/magnesium in capsule form (not hard pill form, capsule form), take the vitamins daily, 1500 IU of Calcium/Magnesium nightly and I want you to join a gym if you can afford it (check with you doctor first to see if it is O.K.). Get a trainer for one day to show you the ropes of how to use the equipment. You must do 30 minutes three days a week or more. If you are out of shape, you may have to build up to it by stair master, bike or walker. By using the stair master, bike or walker, combined with the weights, your endorphins will kick in, you'll be smiling even at the worst problem. If you can't afford a gym, go outside, take a 30 minute walk and some running. You can buy videos on weight lifting or aerobics. Do that too, especially if you can't afford a gym. Buy a video. Step class or some movement of the entire body called Aerobics. If you do this 30 minutes three days a week, you'll stay steady and happy. No drug or alcohol for awhile. Start feeling good again! It will work if you do it! Take the Calcium/Magnesium at night before bed. It will clam you. This is good for all my fans.
"Welcome to My Home" still holds true. Much of it is very good advice. Glamour is back. The 80's are the top glamour. Yet, so is our Red Carpet these days (combined with the very relaxed snake and jeans). So, thank you all for your great comments about me and the video. Many, many of you have expressed your thanks for my video collection on my website brendadickson.com. I am so happy you are all enjoying the work. Again, your emails are just so wonderful. I am so happy you are enjoying them.
Some of my fans have asked for a picture of me in my crown as Miss California. I just haven't had a chance to dig it out of storage yet. When I find it... up on the web it goes. First I was Miss Los Angeles, then Miss California and last "Miss Photogenic" in the Miss U.S.A./World. The Miss Photogenic helped me the most in my career. The Network ran a picture of me winning and top producers in Hollywood called to get my name for meetings. This is how I got my first job.
My fans comment on his friends divorce ruling. This is quite different by the way in what was done to me. I think it was Shakespeare who said there are two things you can't get out of -- death and taxes. I gather the taxes were from the marriage. He must be unemployed. Still the marriage taxes must be paid, there must be some law where he must pay his fair share. Check with IRS (at least half belongs to her.) What was done to me in Honolulu was quite different. This judge broke all divorce laws and gave all our multi-million dollar estate to my ex-husband all of it, got in the way of "Due Process," committed real property fraud, and spousal support fraud. He had a huge conflict of interest. His son, in the law firm that represented me, doing a case with my ex-husband at the same time. He used the jail system of Honolulu to illegally incarcerate me as he illegally crossed state lines to commit real property fraud in California. This judge belongs in the federal prison. This is connected to other organized crime issues, as, my ex-husband was involved in other cases regarding my career. Some of the media in Honolulu needs to cover the true story of what is going on at that Courthouse. They know the true story. Yet, they leave the other untruths on the airwaves. They should print the true story about the 777 Punch Bowl Courthouse to protect other victims from going there. The 777 Punch Bowl Courthouse is corrupt. But they continue to put this untrue story on the internet instead of the truth. Judge Choy is a corrupt judge who was asked to "retire early", who had a huge conflict of interest. The racketeering for fees also goes on in Los Angeles. I don't feel we, as United States of America citizens, should put up with this kind of organized crime. AS A MATTER OF FACT, I AM ASKING MY FANS TO WRITE ON MY BEHALF TO THE STATE ATTORNEY GENERAL, MARK BENNETT FOR SOME ACTION ON THE ATTORNEY/JUDGE FRAUD AT THE HONOLULU COURTHOUSE. His address is 425 Queen Street, Honolulu, HI 96813. Also, I have written to Mark Platte, Editor of The Honolulu Advertiser, whose address is 605 Kapolani Boulevard, Honolulu, HI 96813, as well as KHON 2 Fox, c/o Lorie Silva News, 88 Piikoi Street, Honolulu, HI 96813. Part of the problem is the false press coverage. When they interviewed me I was in shackles with no real estate attorney in California. My advice, at this time, is don't move to Honolulu. Don't buy property there and don't get married there!!!
Thank you all for your continued support. Please, if you have time, drop a note to the above people. This is the "United States of America." Many men have died to keep our country a free country. Our courthouse, judges and attorneys are supposed to be on hollowed ground. This country must be protected from such outrageous misuse of the law. So, please write on my behalf as it is in your best interest to fight this kind of crime in the United States! I would much appreciate it. I will be submitting the National Talk Show News to cover this kind of fraud in our court system.
God Bless You all and your families. I will keep in touch with you and try to answer all your questions. Hope to be touching base with you soon on the big or small screen and my book which I am in the midst of trying to put together.
Brenda Dickson
Thank you so much, Brenda - you are the best!! btw... i am MandyKimper and my real name is Michael (Angelo) and i am so happy that you have embraced your new internet fan-base and can't be more thrilled that you made an honorable mention of me!
God bless my dear!!
from your GREATEST fan!! :)))
Thanks Brenda...I just knew you'd have good advice!
It's really so amazing to me how one woman can have such a wide range of knowledge about so many different issues..maybe you should think about going into politics?
At any rate, I look foward so to reading the book :)
Which brings me to another question I had for you. Being your GREATEST *raised to the second power* FAN, I know that you have dyslexia, but I'm wondering if you could share a little about your experiences. Personally, I'd really like to know how the book writing is coming..wouldn't dyslexia pose a big problem?
You don't have to share if you don't want to, but I'm not very, well, 'up' on this issue, and hope you can provide some great insight.
<3's from me (your super fan)
ps: I will never set foot on Hawaiian soil again, just for you ;)
It looks like you're really coming out on top, despite all of your hardship. It's nice to see you back in the glamour and lights of Hollywood!
hi Brenda!
i'm so shad that my MandyKimper channel is gone :(
but i think it's absolutely hysterical that you have posted the "Celebrity Skin" video on your Home Page!
You're pricelesh!
Hi Brenda,
It's wonderful to see that you are responding to your fans. Thank you. Count me in as one of your long time fans who grew up watching you in the 70's. I treasured the moment you returned to The Young & the Restless in the 80's. I remember the day so well. The CBS promo.."Brenda Dickson returns in the role she orginally created." My entire family was thrilled. I still miss seeing you. You will always own the role of "Jill".
Thanks for sharing your advice for a healthy lifestyle through exercise and vitamins. It's appreciated.
Much love to you.
Thank you for responding to us, your loyal fans, you know how much we love and treasure you, and we're glad you have this website. Y and R will never be the program it once was when you were the star. The original is always the best, remakes (and recasts) are vastly overrated. Sort of like comparing Coca-Cola Classic with New Coke (1987). You are the Coca-Cola Classic. Ain't nothin' like the real thing! Wake up CBS, bring back Brenda Dickson as Jill! If TPTB at Y and R read (and hopefully heed) this, then my post will accomplish its purpose.
We, her loyal fans, have basically begun our internet campaign to let CBS know how we feel about this matter. We want jw out, and bd in. I know that I am not alone in my opinion. This beautiful lady has been treated very unfairly, and By God, it is high time that this talented actress shall return to the Young and the Restless as Jill, the role she created in 1973.
word <3 <3
Sorry to be so ADD on my comments, but I do have another question Brenda :)
Wondering the purpose of removing WTMH from YouTube after thanking Mz Mandy for posting it..?
Hope you explain that one to me, your biggest fan, because I for one, miss watching your fabness
thanks brendaiscalssy
i was really devastated when my entire YouTube account was permanently wiped away because i had posted WTMH, and i posted it in December 2006!.. and i did it FOR Brenda!
why, Brenda, why? :(
spellcheck, darling
<3s Brenda!!
Brenda, I can hardly wait to read your book... you can be assured I will spread the word about it on all the internet soap chat rooms. I think this book is just the thing for you right now. They say writing is a catharsis for many people... and not only will you be able to put your feelings down on paper, I think this book will garner you alot of well deserved attention and hopefully an acting role. Thanks for the advice on the vitamins... magnesium is very helpful in many ways, although it's old fashioned, epsom salts (which contains magnesium) is very helpful with sciatic pain and arthritis... just put a couple of cups in a tub of water as hot as you can stand it, and the pain really does diminish.
Now here is our goal: Brenda Dickson back on The Young and the Restless as Jill Foster Abbot.
Can I just say, Brenda, that of all fashion, you have the best!!!
Thank you!
Well, I guess that I speak for everyone here who was born before 1970 when I say: JW really never quite learned to wear the shoes. As *Her Greatest Fan* and for a whole generation of youngsters, I say, come on CBS!!! The demand is there. Bring Brenda Dickson back to the Young and the Restless as Jill Foster. What a glorious day that will be. My birthday? November 4, 1963. Sincerely, Her Greatest Fan
Actually the 'Death and taxes' quote is from Benjamin Franklin, not William Shakespeare.
As always, it is a pleasure to come here to Brenda's blog and voice my opinion. Yes, I still watch Y and R, (having watched since March 26, 1973, at the age of 9), but Y and R is such an inferior product without Brenda Dickson, there is always a void when I watch it. I just hope and pray that someday that void will be filled by TPTB at CBS inviting Brenda back to Y and R, because, let's face it, the LADY is JILL!!!
Brenda - I hope and pray that the powers that be in Hollywood will re-discover you and give you the comeback you so richly deserve. Personally, I'd love you to do Kathy Griffin's show - I know she would love you like fresh drawn buttah on a lobsta!
Brenda, wordshs don't do justice to your amazing talent. We've never seen the likes of your method acting...and to think you learned all those difficult lines having dyslexia! WOW! You're a role model for all the young ladiesh out there. One day one of them may realize that they could even run for preshident of the United States! Why CBeSh hashn't re-casht you as Jill is beyond belief!
Brenda, I must say you are a strong women to go through what you wnet through , I cannot belive that CBS and William Bell would so that to you , But remember whats goes around comes around , Ypu will always be Jill Foster Abbott I stil watch old clips of you and you wre amazing . I just cannot believe that someone would still hold on to something that happen twenty years ago .
Sour grapes. If you want to get back into the business, surely you know rants like this aren't going to help your cause.
I dont know if this blog mentioned it, because I have to type this fast, but, what do you think of Deven Green's parodies? If you could, email back @ funolivia@aol.com THANKS! :D
Hi Brenda, your videos are phenomenal and so are you!!! I hope the buzz on the internet is just the beginning of good times that will come your way...
Great advice about the cal mag supplements btw, I had severe depression for years and cal/mag supplements and omega 3s was the only thing that ever helped, way more than any drugs or dr ever did... And of course raw foods and exercise helps a lot too...
*Remember the advice Brenda has given you *
Lots of love from all your fans down under!!!
Well, when we gather together here, we all know that we are people of like-mind. We really don't care for JW's Jill, she is merely a cheap imitation. Brenda brought a lot of joy to our lives back in the 70's and 80's, and we will always defend her honor. I think it is time for CBS to wake up. Her Greatest Fan, Nov. 4, 1963.
After all these years, I think it's high time for the people that have treated you unfairly to finally apologise.
Good luck with your book, I am very much looking forward to it. Just seen some old Y&R episodes with you in, wow, what a great show it was then, you were absolutely fantastic as Jill. What an actress.
Thankyou Wellington1963, I enjoy your posts too. We know what works for Y&R in the best way and one of the vital ingredients was Brenda Dickson as Jill. Over in the UK in the early 1990's we were years behind the states with Y&R and Brenda was the chief reason why I enjoyed the show so much. One of the reasons why the older episodes I have seen work so well is because of Brenda's beautiful portrayal as Jill, this classy lady added so much to that show. One could overlook the little annoyances back then (not as many annoyances as today, such as the weak stories and lack of that great atmosphere the show had)
as we had Brenda turning up in scenes making the show complete and such a joy to watch.
You're welcome and thank you too Matt UK. I know I sometimes say negative things about JW's acting, and subsequently I feel guilty, I do have a heart, and apologize if I offend anyone. But JW will never measure up to Brenda Dickson, and I know that none of us will ever give up hope that one day she will return.
get to the phat farm..
Soooo....what happened to the entry with the E! True Hollywood Story and court system information? Inquiring minds want to know!
Stay classy, Brenda!
The popup video is on youtube.
Well, I really enjoyed the write-up about the E! True Hollywood Story and court system information, perhaps that was a preview of your book? I noticed that some of the fan-postings got a little out of hand there, wasn't surprised to see that it had been removed. Anyway, I found some really great Brenda Dickson videos on you tube from the 1970's, one whole episode of Y and R where the Foster family finds out that Dad Bill had had a lung removed. Wishing you only life's best in the present and future, Brenda, we still love you and will never give up hope that someday, somewhere, you will return.
Hi, me again. Just wanted to mention that if you would like to see the 1975 episode of Y and R on You Tube, just type in Young and the Restless 24.03.75. It is a complete episode in 3 parts, really brings back a lot of great memories of the early days of Y and R. Hope everyone enjoys! We fans are keeping the dream alive Brenda, the powers that be at CBS need to wake up, invite you back to Y and R as Jill, and treat you like gold. You will always be an angel to your fans.
I grew up watching you and you are my role model. My friend Lara and I are your biggest fans! Thank you for making me the person I am today. Thank you for doing all that you do! Do you mind sharing your life motto?
it makes me sad, brenda..Deven Green does more wretched parodies than you do blog posts.
what is going on girl?
Susan Dennis - Los Angeles is waiting...
I also miss Brenda. I think she is very busy with her new book. I hope she's not unwell or anything.
With the reunion of old faces on Y&R recently, it would have been just lovely if Brenda had returned as Jill, then it would have been just like the good old days.
Hi Matt UK! Yes, we're all concerned about Brenda, hope she is doing well, and miss her as always. Yesterday on Y and R when Brock was on, I couldn't help thinking "that should be Brenda on the screen playing Jill". 21 years later, I refuse to give up hope. I think Mom Foster is supposed to be on Monday. Brenda, you are forever in our hearts and prayers, we love you.
Well, please let me be the first on this blog to wish you a very Happy Birthday! I was just listening to the 1974 soundtrack album (still am as I type this) and remembered that you have one soon on Feb. 3rd. Best wishes and fondest regards for 2009.
Dear Brenda,
Your new red hairstyle looks absolutely fabulous!! You look so beautiful; we really prefer it over the blonde look. We are your number one fans in the great state of Minnesota and hope you update your blog soon! It's difficult to get acting parts today in "hollywood" for an actress but keep in mind us fans would love to see you anywhere, even if it's not a nighttime series. Have you considered reality television, perhaps? Or maybe video blogs? You could do an updated "Welcome to my home" video!
Hope to hear from you soon, now go to town! Cheers!
Your number one fans in Minnesota,
Mandi and Justin
Brenda, We all want to see you make a huge comback, either on the big or small screen. I 100% believe you can do it! You can land a new role which would finally put all that crap on Y&R to a rest once and for all. Besides, the Young and the Restless is a "dying horse," and I predict the show will be cancelled within the next ten years, along with every other daytime soap opera that are all rapidly losing viewership. Brenda, you can rise above it and finally put it out of your life once and for all. Frankly, I would rather see you succeed in doing that, being happy, moving on, as the Y&R gasps its last breaths on CBS.
Brenda, rumors are that Y7R is looking for an emergency recast of Jess Walton... NOW IS YOUR CHANCE!!! Girl, we NEED TO SEE YOU on our screens!!
Brenda, is The Supreme Court of America able to hear cases for divorce settlements with illegal outcomes and illegal sales? I'm just glad that I live in Australia. Because of your blog I will never holiday in Hawaii.
trust me brenda my divorce wasn't near as big a yours but it was big enough and i lost everything my ex wife put me into debt for about $225.000 dollars in debt so i just now getting back to having decent credit so i understand completely i lost my home my bank account and everything so but i was only married for 4 years and i ve learned thank you sweetheart and i hope everything gets better for you hugs and kisses daniel w from ky
trust me brenda my divorce wasn't near as big a yours but it was big enough and i lost everything my ex wife put me into debt for about $225.000 dollars in debt so i just now getting back to having decent credit so i understand completely i lost my home my bank account and everything so but i was only married for 4 years and i've learned my lesson thank you sweetheart and i hope everything gets better for you hugs and kisses daniel w from ky
trust me brenda my divorce wasn't near as big a yours but it was big enough and i lost everything my ex wife put me into debt for about $225.000 dollars in debt so i just now getting back to having decent credit so i understand completely i lost my home my bank account and everything so but i was only married for 4 years and i've learned my lesson thank you sweetheart and i hope everything gets better for you hugs and kisses daniel w from ky
Brenda, I love you! This entire matter is shameful, disgraceful, and beneath you....you are a beautiful woman and to be treated like this is simply insane.
Totally disgusting, but I'm sure you will rise above it! You are a survivor, I am sure.
If any or all of you are moved to help, I need help in exposing these State Authorized criminals to light and get the U.S. It seems the media has to shame justice into action. I ask your help in exposing these abuses, to get the Justice Department in D.C. to investigate, and give relief and remedy. This has been ongoing since 2006 and I continue to be called to court monthly. And Brenda use your celebrity statues to go on talkskows, cspan, new interviews, the White House, the Justice Department discuss your abuse and mine, please find the courage and time. I have documents and taped conversations, of cases, court appointed attorney, public defenders, state employees, and doctors publishing to web.
In 2006, I too filed for divorce in Honolulu family Court. I to was but out of my home, left penniless. I requested the State Attorney General and Honolulu Police Department to investigate this and other abuses of Judge Browning and Judge Choy. Instead of an investigation, I was served with a confabulated TRO. I was then arrested on the college campus of U.H. Manoa, ( I was a fulltime student attempting to gat a Law degree- GPA 3.7-4.0). Though never before arrested in my life they have since jailed me twice on confabulated charges of contempt, & TRO violations. In addition to confabulated cases in Traffic Court and Child Support court (using my daughters as a weapon, even thought my daughters are 23 and 21 years old and the courts made me penniless and).
From September 2009-November 2009, I was held in dormitory style housing with persons convicted of multiple murders, murder, starvation of children, and other harden criminal. While jailed they had me transported back and forth to court, trying to intimidate and coerce me into changing my pleas from not guilty or to or waive my rights. I did not and will not change my plea and continue to assert my rights in all theses matters.
Also, I was attacked by an inmate, slipped and fell and have debilitating injuries. The Ole Boy network are trying hard to have these injuries labeled as fake, to hide the harm of their abuse and to stop themselves from being exposed as the flagrant disregarders of law that they are.
My email address is grntrrmlrr@aol.com
Robin Grant
P.S. Brenda I am using your case to show that this abuse as “Patten and Practice.”
Hello Everybody,
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