I'll start by saying thank you for all your support. Your comments mean so much to me. I will respond to you after I thank Mandy Kimper for all the support and wonderful insight to put "Welcome to My Home" on the web. It is much appreciated. The Welcome to My Home tape, originally put on the air about a year ago has been seen by millions now on all stations. Many of you have asked me when to purchase the hard copy. It is not on the market yet, but I'm working on it. The book comes first. That is thanks to my dear fan Mary Kimper. I also want to thank Steven for the beautiful poem. You are definitely my Romeo to Juliete. Beautiful! You can write on my blog any time. Please do.
One of my fans has written a suicidal help note!!! That's an urgent matter. I do happen to have some good advice (this advice can be used by all my fans). It will work if you do it, and, you must promise to try. Ready? First stop by your nearest GNC Store, buy a box of vitamins, the kind they sell in packets. So, it is many in a cellophane wrap. Also get the right one for your age and gender. Pick up capsules of calcium/magnesium in capsule form (not hard pill form, capsule form), take the vitamins daily, 1500 IU of Calcium/Magnesium nightly and I want you to join a gym if you can afford it (check with you doctor first to see if it is O.K.). Get a trainer for one day to show you the ropes of how to use the equipment. You must do 30 minutes three days a week or more. If you are out of shape, you may have to build up to it by stair master, bike or walker. By using the stair master, bike or walker, combined with the weights, your endorphins will kick in, you'll be smiling even at the worst problem. If you can't afford a gym, go outside, take a 30 minute walk and some running. You can buy videos on weight lifting or aerobics. Do that too, especially if you can't afford a gym. Buy a video. Step class or some movement of the entire body called Aerobics. If you do this 30 minutes three days a week, you'll stay steady and happy. No drug or alcohol for awhile. Start feeling good again! It will work if you do it! Take the Calcium/Magnesium at night before bed. It will clam you. This is good for all my fans.
"Welcome to My Home" still holds true. Much of it is very good advice. Glamour is back. The 80's are the top glamour. Yet, so is our Red Carpet these days (combined with the very relaxed snake and jeans). So, thank you all for your great comments about me and the video. Many, many of you have expressed your thanks for my video collection on my website brendadickson.com. I am so happy you are all enjoying the work. Again, your emails are just so wonderful. I am so happy you are enjoying them.
Some of my fans have asked for a picture of me in my crown as Miss California. I just haven't had a chance to dig it out of storage yet. When I find it... up on the web it goes. First I was Miss Los Angeles, then Miss California and last "Miss Photogenic" in the Miss U.S.A./World. The Miss Photogenic helped me the most in my career. The Network ran a picture of me winning and top producers in Hollywood called to get my name for meetings. This is how I got my first job.
My fans comment on his friends divorce ruling. This is quite different by the way in what was done to me. I think it was Shakespeare who said there are two things you can't get out of -- death and taxes. I gather the taxes were from the marriage. He must be unemployed. Still the marriage taxes must be paid, there must be some law where he must pay his fair share. Check with IRS (at least half belongs to her.) What was done to me in Honolulu was quite different. This judge broke all divorce laws and gave all our multi-million dollar estate to my ex-husband all of it, got in the way of "Due Process," committed real property fraud, and spousal support fraud. He had a huge conflict of interest. His son, in the law firm that represented me, doing a case with my ex-husband at the same time. He used the jail system of Honolulu to illegally incarcerate me as he illegally crossed state lines to commit real property fraud in California. This judge belongs in the federal prison. This is connected to other organized crime issues, as, my ex-husband was involved in other cases regarding my career. Some of the media in Honolulu needs to cover the true story of what is going on at that Courthouse. They know the true story. Yet, they leave the other untruths on the airwaves. They should print the true story about the 777 Punch Bowl Courthouse to protect other victims from going there. The 777 Punch Bowl Courthouse is corrupt. But they continue to put this untrue story on the internet instead of the truth. Judge Choy is a corrupt judge who was asked to "retire early", who had a huge conflict of interest. The racketeering for fees also goes on in Los Angeles. I don't feel we, as United States of America citizens, should put up with this kind of organized crime. AS A MATTER OF FACT, I AM ASKING MY FANS TO WRITE ON MY BEHALF TO THE STATE ATTORNEY GENERAL, MARK BENNETT FOR SOME ACTION ON THE ATTORNEY/JUDGE FRAUD AT THE HONOLULU COURTHOUSE. His address is 425 Queen Street, Honolulu, HI 96813. Also, I have written to Mark Platte, Editor of The Honolulu Advertiser, whose address is 605 Kapolani Boulevard, Honolulu, HI 96813, as well as KHON 2 Fox, c/o Lorie Silva News, 88 Piikoi Street, Honolulu, HI 96813. Part of the problem is the false press coverage. When they interviewed me I was in shackles with no real estate attorney in California. My advice, at this time, is don't move to Honolulu. Don't buy property there and don't get married there!!!
Thank you all for your continued support. Please, if you have time, drop a note to the above people. This is the "United States of America." Many men have died to keep our country a free country. Our courthouse, judges and attorneys are supposed to be on hollowed ground. This country must be protected from such outrageous misuse of the law. So, please write on my behalf as it is in your best interest to fight this kind of crime in the United States! I would much appreciate it. I will be submitting the National Talk Show News to cover this kind of fraud in our court system.
God Bless You all and your families. I will keep in touch with you and try to answer all your questions. Hope to be touching base with you soon on the big or small screen and my book which I am in the midst of trying to put together.
Brenda Dickson