If you read what is going on in Honolulu, Hawaii with Attorney Jan Weinberg, my ex-husband, where my contract was taken from me, as well as my condo, and all my marital property. The attorneys did no actual work on the case. Please read, as the reasons for this letter is to set the record straight. I WAS NEVER IN CONTEMPT OF COURT.
This is happening in the United States. Please read carefully as this could be you. I was never in contempt of court. Judge Choy had no jurisdiction over the sale of a California property. He, illegally, crossed state lines and ignored the California law. By law, a California judge would be appointed to the "sister state judgment" to get a bona fide appraisal and a court-appointed realtor. He broke all the California laws and took away my "Due Process" to have a California judge sell the condo. Everything he did was illegal. It was a "False Arrest" and "False Imprisonment." Judge Choy had to have a signed summons to arrest me. I was not served with his warrant that, by law, must be signed, for him to be able to arrest me.
The Attorney Jan Weinberg Fraud and Collision Trial
When I met Jan Weinberg, he was broke, his business failing. He was deeply in debt. When we married, I worked timelessly on his career image, restructured his advertising, worked on settlement tapes, re-did his office that hadn't been touched for thirty years and refurbished two premier properties with no experience or help. This took me years (one was a historical home), as I was untrained. My ex-husband had never owned property with equity until I refurbished two properties. My ex-husband had no case load, his advertising was so bad! I redid his ad campaign. I created a commercial for him, which he used after the divorce. I used my money to refurbish the property. After years of hard work, the business went out of the red into the black. We were making $4 million a year and had a huge case load and property with equity.
When we went to get the divorce, Jan, himself, negotiated a contract. The contract gave him the estate in Honolulu and me a condo in Los Angeles. We are multi-millionaires. We lived on $300,000 a month. I was to get five years support at $15,000 a month for less than our actual living cost, my separate money I came into the marriage with (as the law states I should) , my half of our annuities, etc. This was less than what I was owed, as I was entitled to half the business we created. But I could go on with my life.
When it came time to divorce, my attorney would say, "I don't recommend going before a judge," "The judges are cowboys." No real work was done at all on the case. I was deprived of spousal support. Also my ex-husband had been an attorney for thirty years in Honolulu. He knew all the judges as they doubled for his cases as well (personal injury). It is such a small town. All other judges stepped down and admitted they knew my ex-husband. There was a conflict of interest.
My first appearance in court was before a Judge Radius. Within five minutes, she had ordered me out of my home in my name, with no moving expenses and no support. She hadn't looked at a book or record. She knew noting of the value of our estate. Yet, my ex-husband had hired an attorney who had a special relationship with the judges. Whatever he said, the judges would do no matter how illegal. Suddenly, my ex-husband's attorney was saying to my attorney that my ex-husband would say he didn't sign the contract. So a trial ensued where it was proven unequivocally through my ex-husband's files that he and his attorney did indeed negotiate, and sign the contract. The contract was found to have been signed. My ex-husband's unscrupulous attorney tried to hire a famous handwriting expert who worked for the Police of Honolulu. He refused to take the case. He said it is your handwriting Jan. We know this because we tried to hire the same expert subsequently. The other expert they hired wouldn't lie. Just said (as my they tried to accuse me of forging the signature. It was not my handwriting!) Our expert, Evelen Shepard, proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that it was my ex-husband's handwriting. Yet, the Judge Radius took it from me anyway (some mistake she said my attorney made). Yet, it was a signed good contract. I was charged $40,000 for this trial. My ex-husband was proven to have committed perjury, that he did sign it. Instead of my attorney asking for attorney's fees and costs and sanctions, I was asked to pay this. I had no money, as my ex-husband, with $2 million of our property in his accounts, and a $300,000 a month of our income, gave me no money except $40,000 to pay for fees. I had to use the $40,000 for the new trial to get my half of the estate. My ex-husband would spend $400,000 on fees out of our business. I would get only $40,000. This is against the law. This is all he gave me! The attorney wanted out of my case as I had no money to pay him. I felt he had a relationship with my ex-husband. So, I got a new attorney who would go after my ex-husband for the fees (as the law requires). Judge Radius knew all the court time had been taken up with the contract trial, so no work at all had been done on the divorce case, marital estate. She had set a trial date. We needed a new trial date. When my new attorney asked for an extension to Judge Radius. She suddenly disappeared and Judge Darrell Choy popped up.
This judge had recently come out of a "forced" early retirement -- a seedy one. He was asked to step down as a judge in 2003. He was involved in a case where he told a woman (Mimi Fox) she would have to start over (in her late 50's), that she would end up with nothing (sounds like a familiar story). He got involved in some illegal decisions regarding the IRS and made some baseless, lawless decisions that were against the law. So, he took an "Early Retirement" in his 50's. It is said he got back on the bench through his attorney friends in 2006, just in time for my case. Lucky me.
My attorney, Madlyn Purcell, informed Judge Choy that she had another case at the same time, hadn't even read the file and needed an extension on the multi-million dollar trial, as the last "perjured" trial took up so much time. There was no work done on the case. Judge Choy said no, told her to get out of the case herself, as he took a cruise, leaving me unrepresented with no money to mount the trial. Also, the $40,000, I was given by Attorney Jan Weinberg (for fees) was frozen in the Court. Neither Judge Choy or Judge Radius would release it. Madlyn Purcell, my new attorney, left town immediately on another case, leaving a friend of hers to do a 60 page memo to Judge Choy as to why an extension was needed. I had no money to hire a new attorney. Madlyn Purcell said she was worried about her daughter. The trial was just weeks away. When Judge Choy got back from his cruise, he granted a motion to my ex-husband's attorney, Attorney Chuck Kleintop, that I have no witnesses or experts at trial for me. This, of course, was a "set up". Suddenly, Judge Radius, 24 hours before the case, released the $40,000 so I could have Madlyn's friend to do the case or default. They have a Hawaii default law which means no trial and the judge gives you what he wants.
Judge Choy had taken away my right to a fair trial. The 8th Amendment states you cannot take away a person's rights, liberty or property without Due Process. This would be the beginning of all my rights taken from me. Having an attorney try a case with no witness on a multi-million dollar business was absurd. No work, not even a deposition done. We did not have time to evaluate the case load which I was entitled to half of. This was a set-up. The prior attorney was part of a group of attorneys called "The Honolulu Boys Network." Madlyn Purcell was not. My ex-husband, Attorney Weinberg, had made fraudulent transfers of the marital estate to his attorney friends of $1.2 million. They had no work files, did not work on the cases. Judge Choy and Attorney Kleintop covered for the attorneys. We subpoenaed the files twice. Judge Choy worked to keep the files suppressed to prove the fraud and he did. The subpoenas were never answered, thanks to Judge Choy for squashing them. And even though we only had 24 hours to prepare, we did get one attorney a $387,000 transfer. He admitted to no work file, he held the client's hand, he said. She lived in Texas and worked full time. Guess he had a long arm. This was against the law in Honolulu but Judge Choy let him get away with it. He had been a friend of my ex-husband's since 1980, given us many referrals, no kick-backs. This money, no doubt, would be returned to my ex-husband in some way.
The trial was fraud. Nonetheless, my attorney brought into trial our multi-million dollar case list. Attorney Kleintop and Attorney Weinberg had committed perjury on the value of the business, stating it was worth $387,000. Our cases ran between $1 to $5 million each (we had a huge case load). The business (which I was by law entitled to half of was worth approximately $30 million, the case load. I'm guessing approximately, as we had no time to evaluate it.) My attorney proved that within five days of the "so called" Business Evaluation, $3.3 million cash had come into the firm. $1.7 million settlement and $1.6 million due in eight weeks. Attorney Jan Weinberg admitted to these settlements, as my attorney meticulously went over all the case list, each one. She also proved $2 million in stocks and assets. Later, we discovered he settled another million dollar case just months later. I also was entitled to half of the non-disclosed case value, and I am sure there are many more, as he is still settling cases from our estate.
Because Judge Choy knew the value of the business, he had a huge conflict of interest. His son, Attorney Devin Choy, was a colleague of my ex-husband. A personal injury attorney just like my ex-husband, Attorney Jan Weinberg. In fact, Attorney Devin Choy's law firm was doing a case opposite my ex-husband while I appeared before Judge Choy! Choy was asked to step down eight times, but he refused every time. The law firm I was forced to go with at the last minute, had the judge's son in it, which was a complete conflict of interest. No one else would take the case the last minute, with 24 hours to prepare. This was Madlyn's old firm, her friend agreed to take the case or default. Judge Choy refused to step down. Judge Choy, because of his son, knew as every one did, the huge success the firm had become. Judge Choy allowed the "perjury," and ignored my ex-husband's testimony about the $3.3 million cash in settled cases. He let him keep it all, as well as $1 million in Schwabs and annuities, which were all purchased in my ex-husband's name, and all the equity in the property I refurbished, purchased during the marriage.
Long story short, Judge Choy gave all $5.4 million proven in the one day trial preparation to my ex-husband. HE GAVE ME NOTHING!!!! The $5.4 million did not include the value of the huge case list, valued in the millions, which Judge Choy was well aware of, that I was entitled to half of. I was entitled to half of the fraudulent transfers. This included the money I came into the marriage with (complete fraud). He gave my money to my ex-husband! All completely against the law. In Honolulu, you keep your separate money. Judge Choy also defrauded me out of my spousal support. My ex-husband is still making $300,000 a month and I got none. Completely against the law. I was to get Standard of Living Support. I was qualified on all 8 counts for Standard of Living Support to start my life and career. Yet, Judge Choy was determined to make sure I was homeless. Jan Weinberg's income was up! Judge Choy wanted my home, the condo sold in his fraudulent divorce decree. He had fairly divided the property. I'd easily gotten the condo! The condo was jurisdiction of a California judge. Attorney Jan Weinberg and Attorney Kleintop, as well as Judge Choy, had other plans. They wanted to sell the California condo to a friend of theirs that had been hanging around for seven months in California. Not market it, again, with no appraisal and no judge overseeing the sale. The law in Honolulu is the same -- court-appointed realtor and appraisal. I refused to sign-off on the California deed in Honolulu. Judge Choy's judgement by law needed to be "Domesticated" to a California judge. They had already defrauded me out of the equity on the Honolulu property (with no appraisal). A California judge, Judge Valerie Baker, who had jurisdiction over the condo had ruled I could not be evicted and the judgment had to be domesticated to have it enforced and sell the property. Judge Choy knew all of the above as he incarcerated me to extort me to sign off on my California deed, and get in the way of "Due Process" in Los Angeles. He would also go along with an illegal eviction.
Judge Choy, then illegally, while I was in Honolulu, threw me in a filthy Honolulu jail. The Honolulu law states he must have a signed warrant summons service. He had no such thing. In jail, there were 60 women in one room, most felons. No neat clean little jail cell. This was a third world prison. It was extremely dangerous, fights broke out daily. I was running a 103 fever most of the time. The sheets were the color of dirt, as well as our clothes. I had to keep my hair tied up with oil to avoid head lice. It was filthy. The towels, the color of dirt. I witnessed one girl's head being bashed against a metal bunk bed. I thought she was dead when the guards and the police finally came in. Judge Choy wanted to extort me to sign off on the California deed to take away my "Due Process" in California. A fair sale. He had already taken away my "Due Process" to a fair trial. He wanted to avoid the California law and judge in California that would market the property. While I was locked up, Jan Weinberg and Attorney Kleintop, along with Judge Choy's help, illegally evicted all of my property from the condo, against Judge Baker's orders in California. We had a full blown trial in California. Her verdict was he cannot do anything by California law until they "Domesticated" the sister state judgment period! Much of my property is still in storage. Judge Choy was well aware of Judge Baker's orders. They took me out of jail, hand and feet cuffed, to discuss my illegal eviction before Judge Choy. Without a court-appointed realtor, they sold the condo to a friend of my ex-husbands for hundreds of thousands of dollars under market value. When my California real estate attorney wrote the buyer about unwinding the sale, the buyer then sold the condo quickly for a $200,000 profit to a friend (in this market). Had it been marketed, it would have brought more. I was following California law when Judge Choy illegally locked me up and he would invent an illegal fine for me following California law of $1,000 a day for a $2,300 a month mortgage.
When I went to the FBI in California (this was before I was locked up), they told me it was out of their jurisdiction (Honolulu) but the F.B.I. had gotten the name of another victim of judge Choy's on record, a woman who had all her property taken from her with no support. She wished for her name not to be disclosed. It was not Mimi Fox, so that made three of us that I know of.
When I went to Appeal, my one Appellant Court attorney had 30 cases against Judge Choy more than half connected to Attorney Kleintop. I began to talk to yet another victims of Judge Choy, who said he threatened her to make her homeless. All women. How many women has he done this to?
Judge Choy was also involved in real property fraud. We owed an estate in Nuuanu Valley worth approximately $2.8-$3 million at the time of sale. Judge Radius had allowed her pal, Attorney Chuck Kleintop (my ex-husband's attorney), to pick the court-appointed realtor, Attorney Pat Case (an admitted friend of Attorney Kleintop). The law is she has to have a bona fide appraisal. Just as it is in California. Attorney Case would show up at the trial with no appraisal and lie about the value of the estate. She handed in comparables that had nothing to do with the home. She would sell my property $1.3 million under the market to a friend and not the highest bidder. the proof of her fraud is in the file. Attorney Pat Case refused to give me the file on the sale of my property. We subpoenaed it twice. Judge Choy, to cover the fraud with Attorney Kleintop, would squash both subpoenas. Can you imagine this home was in my name. I had worked on this historical home for seven and a half years to refurbish it. They illegally withheld the file from me. She sold the property for $1.5 million. Note even the value of the lot!!! Another buyer just four weeks earlier offered $150,000 more. It was turned down by my ex-husband. My ex-husband could still own the property for all I know the sale was fishy. The lot across the street was sold for $900,000 six months earlier. It was only 10,000 square feet. They tore an old home down. The lot alone at my home was worth well over $2.1 million at the time of sale. It was 26,000 square feet with two electric gates, streams and ponds. The home was on Architectural Digest Every Inch Restored Estate. All Pat Case's comparables were run-down homes on small lots. She had one comparable, a 24,000 square foot lot. The old home town down in a bad area. The lot, no gates, no walls, like mine sold for $1.5 million that substantiated the value of my lot and home at $2.8 million, as our area was the best area in Nuuanu Valley.
One attorney referred to Attorney Chuck Kleintop as the "Nazi." This was because he had use the police to scare his victims in a divorce scenario, when Judge Radius ordered me out of my home with no support. No moving expenses. My attorney got extensions until a support trial was held for support.
I would receive a total of three $6,000 checks. That is all. I lived just my "standard of living" on $40,000 a month. We lived on no less than $80,000 a month and more. The first of only three checks would be lost in the mail. While I waited for the lost check, a day late to move out, Attorney Chuck Kleintop then would have the police (through is pal, Judge Radius) come and take me out of my home at 7:00 a.m. Attorney Chuck Kleintop would then take charge of the property I loved and could have easily kept, had a book or record been looked at. They took all my precious things and put them in public storage uninsured. Just packed it all up so I wouldn't have to pay my expense. I had a breakdown when I resided at my $100 a night hotel room in a bad area. Attorney Pat Case was listing my home way, way under market price. People always pay below the listing price, with no appraisal to back up her listing mt home at $1.7 million.
While I was unrepresented with no attorney, Attorney Chuck Kleintop would drop briefs at my door (knowing I was dyslexic, yes I can read but not retain legal brief of such complexity. I have an 8th grade education because of it). He wanted me to prepare for the trial unrepresented. All of his tricks to break me down as he did, and has done to at least one other woman I have talked to (Marna Murdock). So, having my lifestyle taken from me, totally against the law, all of my belongings in storage, my home which I worked on all these years under-listed by well over $1 million, and, no representation as Attorney Chuck Kleintop pushed forward for a trial date, for a trial literally no preparation was done, no representation. I had a breakdown. I was taken to the hospital. I could not stop crying for five hours. I was sedated. This would be the beginning of the cruel, illegal acts of Attorney Chuck Kleintop and his Judge friends who just simply made up their own laws to suit their friends, who had big big cash to pay them. Two doctors wrote Judge Choy and warned him that I was in no condition for trial. I was heavily sedated. I don't think I talked for two days. My ex-husband was lying and I just was dazed. I believe part of organized crime is involved in my life through Jan Weinberg and his connection to my career. In Honolulu, they have done this kind of action to many people, one woman's clothes were dumped in a dumpster. This is supposed to be a part of the U.S., one of the reasons I felt safe about moving there.
Irene Ullman, my beloved mother, was 85 years old when this gross injustice occurred. She worried needlessly while I was in jail. When I was released I had to sleep on the floor in her condo. She worried about me so much. She had a stroke and passed away. Judge Choy and Judge Radius made the last three years of her life a nightmare (as well as Jan Weinberg, Attorney Chuck Kleintop and Judge Choy). The jail publicity killed her. I was her pride and joy. This woman was an angel. She had pictures on her refrigerator of the families she supported in Mexico. They were on a fixed income. It was horrible, as all my belongings remained in storage for two years or more and no spousal support.
Even though our real property was sold way under market value, still approximately $1 million cash came out of the sales of the two properties (I had spent years of my life refurbishing). They both were purchased during the marriage. Guess who Judge Choy gave all that cash to? You guessed it. His pal, Attorney Jan Weinberg. Judge Choy, in his continued fraud on my property and rights, drummed up an illegal fine of $1,000.00 a day for staying in a $2,300.00 a month mortgage and following California law. The condo I was fighting for California law as I was entitled to. Remember Judge Choy broke the spousal support laws. Gave me none! I had nowhere to go. No money to move. This lawless judge sits behind a desk with two American flags on each side of him, as he gives all my property and rights to my ex-husband in the millions, his pal, his son's colleague. The fines charged to me added up to $455,000! My half of the equity from the two properties. He illegally and lawlessly gave that cash to his friend attorney Kleintop $150,000 in fees for cases won in California (Kleintop was also paid $300,000 more from our firm money -- remember I got $40,000.00 completely against Honolulu law) and over $300,000 cash went to my ex-husband in the form of sanctions. The sanctions go by law to the State of Honolulu, but Judge Choy gave them to his friend Attorney Jan Weinberg instead. He wasn't an attorney on the case, we were divorcing. Total fraud. Totally illegal.
Why is this completely lawless judge still on the bench, who has now defrauded the State of Honolulu out of sanctions (even though they were illegal) and gave them to his friend, Jan Weinberg. No one knows. Chief Justice Moon knows all of the above (especially about the illegal sanctions), yet Judge Choy sits on the bench. Judge Choy has committed:
1. Spousal support fraud (the law is money to "restate your life and career". I got none! My ex-husband just kept all the multi-million dollar income.
2. Real property fraud. Bona fide appraisal. Court-appointed realtor (California) and Honolulu. He also gave all the cash equity in the property to his pals and did not give me my half, as he fined me for following California law, over a California property he had no jurisdiction over. I got none! of the equity in our real property I restored.
3. Business property fraud of the marital estate. I am entitled to get half the value and cash in our business. I got none! This could be $30 million (case load), but $3.3 million cash was proven at the one day trial. Also, there is $2 million in Schwabs and annuities. All was given to my ex-husband. He purchased everything in his name during the marriage.
4. Separate property fraud. The law is I get to keep my separate money I came into the marriage with (mine added up to $287,000). Well, Weinberg got his (which was $85,000) and Judge Choy forgave his $500,000 pre-marriage debt paid with marital funds. While Choy left me in debt of $65,000 credit cards. He allowed my ex-husband to purchase, during the divorce, a new Jaguar and a new Range Rover for his son. My ex-husband admitted at trial to traveling first class all over the country, as I was staying in a $100 a night hotel. What friend my ex-husband had with Judge Choy and his son, Attorney Devin Choy. Also, my ex-husband had all the other "Organized Crime" attorneys he let go free to defraud me out of my judgment, my career and lawsuits.
5. This judge illegally incarcerated me against a California judge's ruling and California law regarding a California property and tried to extort me to sign off on the California deed to take away my Due Process in California. He illegally used the Honolulu jail system to extort me to sign off on the deed, which I would not! He kept me in prison for three months, during which time he illegally took my name off the California deeds against California law. My ex-husband took it to an escrow company in Downtown, Los Angeles to perform the illegal act. They sold the condo in Los Angeles without an appraisal or judge in Los Angeles, as the law states, while they illegally incarcerated me. Then the buyer, their friend, sold it for $200,000 profit to another friend just eight weeks later. Where there kick-backs in this sale?
This judge is trying to make me look like I broke the law and he put me in jail. The truth is he broke every law in the book and he has done it to other women as well. I am entitled to my half of the estate. My half of the real property, my half of the business, my half of our annuities, He is responsible for his pre-marriage debt paid with marriage funds. I am entitled to support and my separate money. This is the law in Honolulu.